12 year prayer saint bridget

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is a spiritual practice that involves reciting a set of prayers for twelve years. This practice is named after Saint Bridget of Sweden, who was a mystic and visionary in the 14th century. The prayers are said to be powerful and can bring blessings and spiritual benefits to those who recite them.

How to do the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget consists of a set of prayers that are to be recited every day for twelve years. The prayers include the Our Father, Hail Mary, and the Apostle's Creed. In addition, there are seven prayers that are said once a day for twelve years. These prayers are known as the "Fifteen Prayers of Saint Bridget."
To start the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget, you should find a quiet place where you can focus and recite the prayers. It is recommended to start on the feast day of Saint Bridget, which is July 23rd. The prayers should be recited every day for twelve years, without missing a day.

Benefits of the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget

The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is said to bring many spiritual benefits to those who recite it. Some of the benefits include increased faith, grace, and blessings from God. It is also said to bring protection from evil and temptation, as well as the forgiveness of sins.


Q: Do I have to recite the prayers at the same time every day?

A: No, you can recite the prayers at any time of the day that is convenient for you. However, it is recommended to have a set time each day to help you establish a routine and ensure that you do not forget to recite the prayers.

Q: Can I start the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget at any time of the year?

A: Yes, you can start the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget at any time of the year. However, it is recommended to start on the feast day of Saint Bridget, which is July 23rd.

Q: What happens if I miss a day?

A: If you miss a day, you should try to recite the prayers as soon as possible. However, if you miss more than one day, you will have to start the twelve-year cycle again from the beginning.


The 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget is a spiritual practice that can bring many benefits to those who recite it. It requires dedication and commitment, but the rewards are said to be great. If you are looking for a way to increase your faith and connect with God, the 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget may be the perfect practice for you.